Cat Calls

How the media negatively affects what you eat

cat Season 3 Episode 4

On this weeks very informational episode of Cat Call's, I (Cat DiNanno) am once again solo. Listen a bit to my experience of my last two weekends abroad in Italy, and a little something I like to call "What altered my Brian chemistry In Italy/Europe: Food edition".  About 28 Minutes into the episode I begin talking about my main focus for today, How the media negative affects what you eat. Starting by talking a little about the amount of fast food advertised in the US, then moving onto the fad diets we see promoted all over social media. Health influencers are not nutritionists, so if you are serous about starting a diet you should really seek a professional because everyone is different and needs a personalized diets, what works for someone else will not work for you. Finally I talk a very scary, yet informal case study I learned about in one of my classes about a famous health influencer who claimed to be vegan and promoted and sold a raw vegan diet.  Well, this women was actually lying about being a vegan for part of her career, and the diet she was selling to her followers she knew would eventually make them very ill and malnourished because it was what happened to her. And she sold it anyway. That is sick, and should open your eyes and make you re-think every influencer you follow, because do they really care about you, or do they just care about themselves, their career, and making money. Are influencers influencing people more positively, or negatively? eNjOy;)